Rozvodovka Hyundai R305-7 R320-7 na rýpadla Hyundai for excavator

Ak sa rozhodnete kúpiť zariadenie za nízku cenu, uistite sa, že komunikujete so skutočným predajcom. Zistite čo najviac informácií o majiteľovi zariadenia. Jedným zo spôsobov podvádzania je predstaviť sa ako skutočná spoločnosť. V prípade podozrenia nás o tom informujte o ďalšej kontrole prostredníctvom formulára spätnej väzby.
Pred rozhodnutím o kúpe si pozorne prečítajte niekoľko predajných ponúk, aby ste poznali priemerné ceny zvoleného zariadenia. Ak je cena ponuky, ktorá sa vám páči, oveľa nižšia ako podobné ponuky, popremýšľajte o tom. Významný cenový rozdiel môže naznačovať skryté chyby alebo pokus predajcu o spáchanie podvodných činov.
Nekupujte výrobky, ktorých cena je príliš odlišná od priemernej ceny podobných zariadení.
Nedávajte súhlas s pochybnými prísľubmi a predplateným tovarom. V prípade pochybností sa nebojte nechať si objasniť detaily, požiadať o ďalšie fotografie a dokumenty o zariadeniach, skontrolovať pravosť dokumentov, klásť otázky.
Najčastejší typ podvodu. Neféroví predajcovia môžu požiadať o určitú čiastku preddavku na "rezerváciu" vášho práva na nákup zariadenia. Týmto spôsobom, podvodníci môžu zhromaždiť veľké množstvo peňazí a zmiznúť, a už sa im nedovoláte.
- Prevod zálohy na kartu
- Nevyplácajte zálohu bez písomného dokladu, ktorý potvrdzuje proces prevodu peňazí, ak počas komunikácie predávajúci vzbudzuje pochybnosti.
- Prevod na účet "správcu"
- Takáto žiadosť by mala byť alarmujúca, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou komunikujete s podvodníkom.
- Prevod na firemný účet s podobným názvom
- Buďte opatrní, podvodníci sa môžu zamaskovať ako dobre známe spoločnosti a robiť menšie zmeny názvu. Neposielajte prostriedky, ak máte pochybnosti o názve spoločnosti.
- Nahradenie vlastných údajov vo faktúre údajmi skutočnej spoločnosti
- Pred uskutočnením prevodu sa uistite, že zadané údaje sú správne a že sa týkajú určenej spoločnosti.
Kontakty predavača

This Travel Motor Assy is an OEM-certified product, meaning that it has been manufactured to the highest standards of quality and reliability. With part numbers 31N8-40062 and 31N9-40032, you can be sure that this product is the perfect fit for your excavator.
Our Travel Motor Assy is available in stock and ready to be shipped to your location. And with its original/OEM conditions, you can be confident that you are getting a product that is built to last.
The Travel Motor Assy is an essential component of any excavator, responsible for providing the power and torque necessary to move the machine. With its original color and design, this product is sure to blend seamlessly with the rest of your excavator.
At Belparts excavator parts, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of quality and service. That's why we stand behind all of our products with a satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your Travel Motor Assy, simply let us know and we will make it right.
So why wait? Order your Travel Motor Assy today and experience the Belparts difference!
Product Name: Travel Motor Assy
Application: Crawler Excavator
Certification: OEM
After Warranty Service: Online Support
Color: Original
Part number: 31N8-40062 31N9-40032
Technical Parameters:
The Belparts final drive assy for R305-7 R320-7 models is a high-efficiency product that offers exceptional performance. It is an original/OEM product that comes with part numbers 31N8-40062 and 31N9-40032. The final drive assy is an essential component of the excavator that controls the speed and direction of the machine. The Belparts final drive assy ensures smooth and efficient operation of the excavator.
The Belparts final drive assy for R305-7 R320-7 models is suitable for various application occasions and scenarios. It is ideal for construction sites, mining, and excavation projects. The final drive assy is designed to handle heavy loads and tough terrains, making it perfect for challenging working conditions. It is a reliable and durable product that can withstand extreme weather conditions.
The Belparts final drive assy for R305-7 R320-7 models is a must-have product for anyone looking for high-quality excavator parts. Its exceptional performance and durability make it the perfect choice for construction companies, mining companies, and excavation contractors. Belparts is committed to providing their customers with the best products and services, and their final drive assy product is a testament to their commitment.
List of spare parts
Support and Services:
Our Travel Motor Assy product comes with comprehensive technical support and services to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Our team of experienced technicians are available to assist with any technical issues that may arise, providing troubleshooting advice and on-site support when necessary.
We also offer regular maintenance services to keep your Travel Motor Assy in top condition, including inspection, cleaning, and replacement of any worn parts. Our maintenance services are designed to minimize downtime and prevent potential issues before they arise.
In addition, we provide training and education services to help our customers get the most out of their Travel Motor Assy. Our training programs cover topics such as installation, operation, and maintenance, and are tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer.
Place of Origin: China
Appliion: Excavator
After Warranty Service: Online Support
Minimum Order Quantity: High-Quality
Packaging Details: Wooden
Delivery Time: 1-5 days for stock items
Payment Terms: T/T, L/C, Wesern Union, MoneyGram, Master Card & Credit Card, Cash, Paypal
Supply Ability: 1000 pieces/per month
colour: According To Customer Requirement
price: Negotiated price