Inzerát Nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200 (8 inch) CSD 200 bol predaný a nie je zahrnutý do vyhľadávania!
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nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 2
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 3
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 4
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 5
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 6
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 7
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 8
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 9
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 10
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 11
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 12
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 13
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 14
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 15
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 16
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 17
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 18
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 19
nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200  (8 inch) CSD 200 obraz 20
Druh:  plavajúce bagre
Lokalizácia:  Holandsko Velddriel
Dátum umiestnenia:  viac ako 1 mesiac
Identifikačné číslo predajcu:  00026293
Stav:  nový

Dodatočné informácie — Nový plavajúce bagre HDD Cutter Suction Dredger 200 (8 inch) CSD 200

New and unused Cutter Suction Dredger 200 manufactured in 2016.

- Mixture capacity 850 m3/h,
- Maximum dredging depth 9 m,
- Caterpillar C9 engine,

YOM 2016

The dredger is equipped with:
- velocity meter,
- vacuum
- discharge pressure sensor,
- Airco,
- navigation lights
- dGPS system with depth sensor.


Cutter suction dredger 200
One containerized cutter suction dredger CSD 200, total installed power 232 kW, dismountable, suitable for road transport, in special execution as per enclosed Technical Specification with the following main characteristics:

- Length overall, ladder up 22 m
- Hull length incl. side pontoons 15 m
- Width overall 4,8 m
- Average draft with full bunkers 1 m
- Height 4 m

Main pontoon:
- Measurements 8 x 2.4 x 2.2/1.5 m

Built in
- Caterpillar C9 main diesel engine 232 kW
- Dredge pump type HDD 200 (2020)
- Mixture capacity 1.200 m3/h @ 7 bar
- Spuds, 2x, each diam 273 mm
- Operating cabin 1.8 x 2 x 2.1 m

Side pontoon
- Measurements 11,8 x 1,5 x 1.2 m
- Fuel tanks in total 7,00 m3
- Deck crane 1 ton

- Cutter Crown 650 mm
Power (hydraulic) 25 kW
Rotation 0-35 rpm

- Length 13,5 m
- Suction diameter 223 mm
- Discharge diameter 200 mm
- Ladder hoisting ram 10 tons
- Swing winches, each 2 tons
- Spud hoisting ram 10 tons

Maximum dredging depth 9 m

The dredger is equipped with a velocity meter, vacuum and discharge pressure sensor, Airco, navigation lights and dGPS system with depth sensor

- Installation manual
- Part book

Dredgers are tested and are ready for work.

= More information =

Year of manufacture: 2016
CE mark: yes
Serial number: 1607 201
Zobraziť celý komentár
New and unused Cutter Suction Dredger 200 manufactured in 2016.

- Mixture capacity 850 m3/h,
- Maximum dredging depth 9 m,
- Caterpillar C9 engine,

YOM 2016

The dredger is equipped with:
- velocity meter,
- vacuum
- discharge pressure sensor,
- Airco,
- navigation lights
- dGPS system with depth sensor.


Cutter suction dredger 200
One containerized cutter suction dredger CSD 200, total installed power 232 kW, dismountable, suitable for road transport, in special execution as per enclosed Technical Specification with the following main characteristics:

- Length overall, ladder up 22 m
- Hull length incl. side pontoons 15 m
- Width overall 4,8 m
- Average draft with full bunkers 1 m
- Height 4 m

Main pontoon:
- Measurements 8 x 2.4 x 2.2/1.5 m

Built in
- Caterpillar C9 main diesel engine 232 kW
- Dredge pump type HDD 200 (2020)
- Mixture capacity 1.200 m3/h @ 7 bar
- Spuds, 2x, each diam 273 mm
- Operating cabin 1.8 x 2 x 2.1 m

Side pontoon
- Measurements 11,8 x 1,5 x 1.2 m
- Fuel tanks in total 7,00 m3
- Deck crane 1 ton

- Cutter Crown 650 mm
Power (hydraulic) 25 kW
Rotation 0-35 rpm

- Length 13,5 m
- Suction diameter 223 mm
- Discharge diameter 200 mm
- Ladder hoisting ram 10 tons
- Swing winches, each 2 tons
- Spud hoisting ram 10 tons

Maximum dredging depth 9 m

The dredger is equipped with a velocity meter, vacuum and discharge pressure sensor, Airco, navigation lights and dGPS system with depth sensor

- Installation manual
- Part book

Dredgers are tested and are ready for work.

= Weitere Informationen =

Baujahr: 2016
CE-Kennzeichnung: ja
Seriennummer: 1607 201
Produktionsår: 2016
CE-mærke: ja
Serienummer: 1607 201
New and unused Cutter Suction Dredger 200 manufactured in 2016.

- Mixture capacity 850 m3/h,
- Maximum dredging depth 9 m,
- Caterpillar C9 engine,

YOM 2016

The dredger is equipped with:
- velocity meter,
- vacuum
- discharge pressure sensor,
- Airco,
- navigation lights
- dGPS system with depth sensor.


Cutter suction dredger 200
One containerized cutter suction dredger CSD 200, total installed power 232 kW, dismountable, suitable for road transport, in special execution as per enclosed Technical Specification with the following main characteristics:

- Length overall, ladder up 22 m
- Hull length incl. side pontoons 15 m
- Width overall 4,8 m
- Average draft with full bunkers 1 m
- Height 4 m

Main pontoon:
- Measurements 8 x 2.4 x 2.2/1.5 m

Built in
- Caterpillar C9 main diesel engine 232 kW
- Dredge pump type HDD 200 (2020)
- Mixture capacity 1.200 m3/h @ 7 bar
- Spuds, 2x, each diam 273 mm
- Operating cabin 1.8 x 2 x 2.1 m

Side pontoon
- Measurements 11,8 x 1,5 x 1.2 m
- Fuel tanks in total 7,00 m3
- Deck crane 1 ton

- Cutter Crown 650 mm
Power (hydraulic) 25 kW
Rotation 0-35 rpm

- Length 13,5 m
- Suction diameter 223 mm
- Discharge diameter 200 mm
- Ladder hoisting ram 10 tons
- Swing winches, each 2 tons
- Spud hoisting ram 10 tons

Maximum dredging depth 9 m

The dredger is equipped with a velocity meter, vacuum and discharge pressure sensor, Airco, navigation lights and dGPS system with depth sensor

- Installation manual
- Part book

Dredgers are tested and are ready for work.

= Más información =

Año de fabricación: 2016
Marcado CE: sí
Número de serie: 1607 201
Année de construction: 2016
Marquage CE: oui
Numéro de série: 1607 201
New and unused Cutter Suction Dredger 200 manufactured in 2016.

- Mixture capacity 850 m3/h,
- Maximum dredging depth 9 m,
- Caterpillar C9 engine,

YOM 2016

The dredger is equipped with:
- velocity meter,
- vacuum
- discharge pressure sensor,
- Airco,
- navigation lights
- dGPS system with depth sensor.


Cutter suction dredger 200
One containerized cutter suction dredger CSD 200, total installed power 232 kW, dismountable, suitable for road transport, in special execution as per enclosed Technical Specification with the following main characteristics:

- Length overall, ladder up 22 m
- Hull length incl. side pontoons 15 m
- Width overall 4,8 m
- Average draft with full bunkers 1 m
- Height 4 m

Main pontoon:
- Measurements 8 x 2.4 x 2.2/1.5 m

Built in
- Caterpillar C9 main diesel engine 232 kW
- Dredge pump type HDD 200 (2020)
- Mixture capacity 1.200 m3/h @ 7 bar
- Spuds, 2x, each diam 273 mm
- Operating cabin 1.8 x 2 x 2.1 m

Side pontoon
- Measurements 11,8 x 1,5 x 1.2 m
- Fuel tanks in total 7,00 m3
- Deck crane 1 ton

- Cutter Crown 650 mm
Power (hydraulic) 25 kW
Rotation 0-35 rpm

- Length 13,5 m
- Suction diameter 223 mm
- Discharge diameter 200 mm
- Ladder hoisting ram 10 tons
- Swing winches, each 2 tons
- Spud hoisting ram 10 tons

Maximum dredging depth 9 m

The dredger is equipped with a velocity meter, vacuum and discharge pressure sensor, Airco, navigation lights and dGPS system with depth sensor

- Installation manual
- Part book

Dredgers are tested and are ready for work.

= Meer informatie =

Bouwjaar: 2016
CE markering: ja
Serienummer: 1607 201
Rok produkcji: 2016
Oznaczenie CE: tak
Numer serii: 1607 201
Ano de fabrico: 2016
Marca CE: sim
Número de série: 1607 201
Год выпуска: 2016
Знак CE: да
Серийный номер: 1607 201