Homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer

homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer
homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer
homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer obraz 2
homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer obraz 3
homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer obraz 4
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Lokalizácia: Veľká Británia6081 km od vás
Identifikačné číslo predajcu: 2599
Dátum umiestnenia: viac ako 1 mesiac
Stav: pojazdené
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Dodatočné informácie — Homogenizátor NFM L45 IV Vertical cutter mixer

reliably and fast. Variable speed controls allow for greater process flexibility. And a hardy stainless steel design makes for a long-lasting and hygienic machine that will be an invaluable asset to your production line for years to come. Technical Details Capacity: 45 lt. Speed: 600-3000rpm Power: 7.5Kw kW Dimensions: 69 x 55 x 124 cm Capacity/ Batch: 15 kg. Capacity/ Hour: 225 kg. Key Features - variable speed controls
Ideal for medium-scale operations in both food and pharmaceutical manufacture
the L45IV will cut
mix and homogenize a variety of materials efficiently
heavy-duty design
Includes 45 lt. stainless steel bowl
Includes 4-knife blade
Transparent lid for visibility ? Cut
mix and homogenize
Stainless steel chassis This machine is available with a wall mounted control panel for easier cleaning and maintenance. Our four-knife blades come in a variety of shapes
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